
Conscious Willpower is an Illusion

Philosopher Peter Carruthers at the OUP blog: You can, as it were, hear yourself as deciding to do something when the appropriate sensory-like episode — “I’ll do it now”, say — figures in consciousness. But your access to the underlying decision is just as indirect and interpretive as is your access to someone else’s decision …

My review of Maggie Nelson’s new book “On Freedom”

Nelson is our day’s ur-thinker for nuance, our own private Susan Sontag. She calls her method “thinking out loud with others,” for she quotes liberally from other writers. It makes her text a rich palimpsest, dense with significance. A phrase is introduced—for example, “freedom and fun,” from the founder of the Proud Boys description of …

Snails and Spatial Reasoning

The editors of SLAB, a literary journal, asked me: “You get a million dollars, but a snail follows you for the rest of your life. If the snail touches you, you die, and lose your million dollars. Would you take the money, why or why not?” What’s your answer? Here’s mine. “Yes, I would. A …

Doctors Are Prescribing Books [Classic]

Leah Price has written a piece in the Boston Globe about how some doctors in Britain are prescribing books for their mental health patients. The National Health Service set up a program called Books on Prescription, which is just the latest example of a new wave of “bibliotherapy.” The School of Life, founded by Alain de Botton and …